Our Preschool Program
Horizon Elementary’s child care program leverages elements from the ‘Leader In Me’ program to inspire lifelong lessons based on the 7 Habits inspired by Stephen Covey’s leadership program. This method inspires the uniqueness of each child and allows children to develop according to her/his own inherent abilities and timetable but with a focus on developing habits that are constructive, that will prepare them for successful entry into elementary school. In a constructive environment, leadership materials are taught to appeal to their use of logic and order and their own natural desire to learn.
Horizon Leadership Academy is in a partnership with I'm For Kids Team.

Through books, active play, arts and other learning materials, students will have hands-on exploration encouraged through listening and viewing. All material is presented in a delightful manner within a comfortable and child-friendly environment. The many activities utilise unique materials that strengthen fine motor control, lengthen concentration and sharpen the senses. Children are allowed the freedom to practice and refine their skills and cultivate good work habits. Children are stimulated to express their thoughts and feelings while all avenues to learning are explored. Each child is encouraged to feel good about themselves and their own abilities.
Pre-K Level 1
The pre-k level one program for 3-year-olds will help children develop their awareness of their surroundings by reinforcing numbers, words, alphabets, days of the week, months, colours, shapes, speech and ideas. Children will be encouraged to learn by developing healthy habits that will help develop their full potential socially, emotionally, and physically. There will be themes throughout the year to encourage discussions while fostering excitement for learning.
Pre-K Level 2
The pre-k level two program for 4-year-olds will continue to reinforce numbers, words, colours, shapes, speech and ideas, like level one, however at this level the students will be encouraged to also explore books, reading, recognition of words, art & crafts and other learning materials. Children will be encouraged to learn by developing healthy habits that will help develop their full potential socially, emotionally, and physically. There will be themes throughout the year to encourage discussions while fostering excitement for learning.
Seasonal study through art and sensory play Fall, winter, spring, summer
Shape and number recognition,
Alphabet, written and verbal
Primary colours
Sensory Bins
Fine motor
Gross motor skills developing activities
Learning through play
Arabic Language/ Islamic Studies (optional)
Health and nutrition: Healthy eating and drinking habits
Family tree
Numbers, written and verbal
Zoo Animals
Farm Animals
Traffic safety
Celebration Concert/Graduation
Programs and fees
Ages 3 & 4
Fees: $600/month
*Children must bring their own food and snacks.
Apply for a government subsidy: http://www.humanservices.alberta.ca/financial-support/15104.html
Class Times
Mon to Thursday 8:00 am - 3:20 pm
Friday 8:00 am to 12 pm
Non-refundable registration fee $150
Deposit fee equal to a month’s tuition (this will cover your child's first month at Horizon)
Withdrawal: allowed during the first 2 weeks only, otherwise full year payment required.
Registration Policies (Full-time Care)
Pre-authorized payments are required at the time of registration.
A 1 month deposit is required at time of registration; deposit will be returned with minimum 40-days notice of cancellation.
Financial Assistance is available for qualifying families through Alberta Children’s Services.
Horizon daycare fees are reviewed annually each Fall. Any changes to fees are communicated to families a minimum of six weeks in advance.
Waiting List: Placement on the waitlist does not guarantee a childcare space as we must place children of the correct age into the available space.

To request more information:
Contact the Main Office
Mon-Fri 8:30am - 3:30pm
Tel: 403-460-1746