Admissions 2025-2026
Elementary School and Junior High School
Assalam Alaykum,
Welcome to the Horizon Leadership Academy Full-time Islamic School registration form. We are accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year for:
Elementary School Kindergarten to Grade 6
Junior High school (Grade 7-9)
Please read the following information prior to completing the form:
Registration Rate For School Year 2025-2026 For KG to Grade 9
*** $4000/Year (instalments available)***
Bursary pricing
Parents who require financial assistance or who cannot afford our standard fees can benefit from our bursary on scale based but at minimum of $1900/Year (instalments available). The enrollment committee review the household income and family size when deciding about bursary. Proof of income is required (Latest government tax assessment.)
We review every application and you will be notified via email if space is available in your child's grade. If you do not accept a vacancy within the specified time period given, your child’s name will be removed from our enrollment list.
There is a $150 assessment and administration fee. (NON-REFUNDABLE)
One month deposit is required to secure your child(rens) spot, and it is (NON-REFUNDABLE).
Students will only be registered into the grade based on their birthdate (according to Alberta Education guidelines).
Bussing will be provided to a city quadrant if there are enough students in that quadrant to fill up a bus, and there is an additional charge for bussing to be annonuced.
All information provided must be correct otherwise the registration is not valid.
If your child requires special needs, you must provide any and all documentation and professional medical assessments.
Once you've registered your child, you are responsible for paying the tuition for the entire school year, after the 2nd week of school there will be no refunds.
Thank you for choosing Horizon Academy. For inquiries or technical support, please contact us at Horizon_office@pallisersd.ab.ca
Horizon Elementary and Junior High School Board and Society Fees
Choosing Horizon Elementary means accepting that your child will be taught a Leadership and faith-based alternative program within the Palliser Regional School District. In addition to the Alberta Education Curriculum, we offer a leadership program, Arabic as a second language, Moderate Islamic social studies and a Qur'an memorization program for our students. Finally, Horizon requires parent engagement and collaboration with Horizon team to help their children achieve academic success and Islamic faith-based education.
Horizon Elementary reserves the right to accept students that fit the learning model, Philosophy of Islamic Education and programming requirements.
Horizon Elementary charges a society fee to fund the above-mentioned alternative program and maintain a spacious and safe educational facility for our children in a central location in Calgary.
For Kindergarten, the fee of $4000.00/year ($1900.00/yearly bursary) covers the official KG hours which are Monday to Thursday from 8:00AM - 11:50 AM and Alternate Fridays from 8:00 AM to 12:05PM.
Bursary application process: Please inform us by e-mail or when you come for a 'parent’s interview' that you are interested in applying for a bursary and bring along your most recent notice assessment - it is required for the bursary assessment process.
For more information on our programs and admission process please call/e-mail sister Zineb
at 403-460-1746/ zineb.elkadiri@pallisersd.ab.ca

Other Fees
$35/year Technology Fee charged by Palliser Regional School
Tax receipts for the society fees
Horizon Elementary School is run by Horizon Academy Institute, a non-profit registered charitable organization. Given that the school is offering both academic and religious education, parents may be able to claim a tax credit for society fee. A tax receipt will be issued at the end of the year to all parents (70% of what is paid will be covered in the tax receipt).
Before and After School Care
We are pleased to share that we offer the service of child care for before and after school. The program is dependent on meeting the minimum number of students.
There is an additional fee for this service, see the price breakdown below:
The "before/ after school care" is offered to our HLA students KG-Gr.7.
Before school care: 7:15 AM - 8:30 AM. Monday to Friday. ( during school days)
After school care : 3:15 PM - 6:00 PM. Monday to Friday. ( during school days)
Option#1: Before care" 7:15-8:30 AM $ 240 per month/ per student.
Option #2: After school Mon-Thurs: 3:15 - 6:00pm $ 360 per month/ per student.
Option# 3: After school Mon-Thurs: 3:15 - 6:00pm & Fridays 12:05-6:00pm
$ 400 per month/ per student.
Before and after school care *Combined*" - Option #1 & 2 $520 per month/ per student
Before and after school care *Combined*" - Option #1 & 3 $550 per month/ per student
Payment Policy
Horizon Academy will be informing the parents of the results of the interviews/assessments within 10 days of the interview at which point the two months non-refundable fee (September and June payments) will be required to secure space for your child(ren) in the required grade. Parents also have 10 days to accept the slot and make the deposit payment.
Semester and monthly payment plans are available for families wishing to spread payments through the year. Monthly payment are made by pre-authorized debit, we do not accept cheques.
Once you've registered your child, you are responsible for paying the tuition for the entire school year, after the 2nd week of school there will be no refunds.

To request more information:
Contact the Main Office
Mon-Fri 8:30am - 3:30pm
Tel: 403-460-1746